Roger Mellie: 'Hello, good evening and bollocks'
I read a book by a guy called Justin Herald over the last couple of days entitled 'How To Grow Your Business Without Spending A Single Cent'. Justin is an Australian 'entrepenuer' who made his fortune on the back of his clothing label Attitude Inc (something he feels the need to keep putting (R) after just in case after having spent $20 buying his book, we feel the need to rip-off his idea and copy his logo), a label I can honestly say I'd never heard of before reading the book.
Anyway, the book is fairly lightweight in its content and depth, but does help you channel your efforts into concentrating on...well...doing exactly what the title of the book says.
The point of this post is that it has triggered me into action into another area I've been looking at for a couple of years - a clothing label - that could be used to demostrate and boost my efforts with my own marketing company. After all, what better testimony for clients than actually putting your money where your mouth is?
I believe I already have the name and ideas behind it, and I registered the web name last night. I'm also putting plans in place for the first designs, which may take a few weeks. I've looked at some other places/websites for inspiration and so far, haven't found anyone anywhere near anything I have planned. But I still need to look some more. I have also found a potential manufacturer too and I will hopefully go and see them today and brief them with what I want.
The point of this post, which I'm rapidly running away from, is that sometimes it's the strangest of places that you find inspiration. As I said before, some people have life changing experiences via religion or family. I find an added direction and boost from a $20 book I bought randomly in the airport on a Tuesday because my flight was delayed for two hours. Go figure.
Either way, I'll hopefully have an update sooner rather than later.
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